For the past month, the administration of the social network Facebook has been trying to delete the accounts of the News Front news agency. There were not even far-fetched pretexts.
The blockage occurred even without trying to explain the reasons. Now the reasons have become known.
In early April, we reported that the official pages of the Bulgarian, Serbian and German News Front editions were subject to certain “restrictions”.
“Perhaps this is due to the fact that some of the actions from your Page violate Facebook’s rules”, – this is all that was said in the messages, and it was not possible to get detailed explanations from the network administration.
The situation repeated the day before, on April 30, when Facebook began to block the agency’s accounts. Profiles of the Russian, Georgian, Bulgarian, Serbian, German and English editions did not just fall into the ban. They were deleted without restoration rights and, of course, without explanation.
From the very beginning, it was clear that there was a deliberate campaign against objectionable media. Confirm it decided her customers. Thus, the non-governmental organization “International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy” [ISFED], operating in Georgia, openly announced the fight against objectionable media has begun. The campaign to combat freedom of speech was explained there by the upcoming parliamentary elections in Georgia. A pro-Western NGO is working to minimize the number of media outlets with an alternative position in the midst of a political struggle in the country.
In this regard, ISFED demanded the removal of 14 official pages of various news agencies, including News Front; 35 communities that spread objectionable news; more than fifty personal accounts.
According to ISFED, the official page of the Georgian editorial office of News Front has been monitored since November 2019 in an attempt to find violations. Ultimately, the NGO demanded that Facebook remove the page for anti-Western publications. The executive director of the organization, Mikhail Benidze, separately boasted that he deleted the News Front pages on the social network.
“We followed News Front’s information operations in Georgia for several months and shared our findings with Facebook last week”, – Benidze said on Twitter.
It is important to note that funding for such a “purge” comes from the George Soros Open Society Foundation. The vast majority of non-governmental organizations operating in Georgia are financed by the Soros Foundation. International society for fair elections and democracy is no exception.
ISFED exists through subsidies from the Open Society Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development [USAID], and the embassies of Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the Council of Europe.
In particular, ISFED’s relationship with the Soros Foundation became known back in 2004. Then the media published a document that actually represented a grant application. It did not become clear that the Georgian office of the Open Society Foundation intends to finance ISFED and the youth organization Kmara, whose asset was used during the Rose Revolution.
The mission of the ISFED was to control the election. 300 thousand dollars were allocated for this.
The situation was commented by the founder of News Front, Konstantin Knyrik.
“A new reality has come. In fact, this is an upright confession: Facebook is an instrument of political influence that works for the organizers of coups, wars and killings. I don’t even see the point of discussing the bias and fakeness of all these Soros media, but they will spread their lies on Facebook, and this “objective” social network will help them” – he said.
All our accounts in eight languages were deleted without explanation, although the reason is clear – we are telling the truth, which greatly interferes with this whole gang of suckers. To everyone who still believes this organized international criminal group – see what they are doing in and with Ukraine.
I have a call to everyone! Take the most interesting link in any language close to you and distribute it on Facebook, let them understand that the truth cannot be forbidden.