Trump spotted Xi Jinping’s conspiracy with Biden in pandemic

The Chinese government would like to see the Democrat Joe Biden in the White House following the November US elections.

This statement was made by the US President Donald Trump in an interview with Reuters.

The Trump administration is regularly criticized because of the delay in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. As News Front previously reported, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sounded the alarm in early January.

Now the US president claims that the situation with coronavirus is “proof” that Beijing will “do everything possible” to defeat Joe Biden during the November elections. According to him, China sees the victory of the Democrat as an opportunity to end the trade war.

“China will do everything possible so that I lose this race”, – Trump emphasizes. “They constantly use public relations to try to create the impression that they are innocent”.

Beijing has already responded to a statement by the head of the White House. Geng Shuang, spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, assured that the PRC is not interested in interfering in the US presidential election.