Ilon Mask called for an immediate lifting of the U.S. quarantine

The founder of high-tech companies SpaceX and Tesla Ilon Mask made a series of statements calling for an early lifting of restrictive measures imposed in the U.S. due to the pandemic COVID-19.

Quarantine has almost completely stopped the entire American economy, which consists of 70% services. In one month, 22 million people were unemployed. Unprecedented amounts allocated for support at the end of March quickly ended.

“Give people their freedom back!” – Mask tweeted in response to a Wall Street Journal article, – “Does Quarantine Save People’s Lives.”

Almost simultaneously, Musk supported entrepreneurs in the state of Texas, where it was reported that restaurants and shops could open on May 1. “Bravo, Texas!” – …he wrote.

“Let’s liberate America right now!” – has completed a series of antiquarantine claims by Mask.

On April 17th, the White House presented a plan to phase out quarantine measures in the country and gradually “open” the economy. According to the recommendations of the administration, states and municipalities will be able to move to the removal of restrictions in three stages after a reduction in the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus within two weeks.