Tens of millions of dollars of state aid went to elite universities, where the rector’s salary alone amounts to millions.
Well-known American columnist Tucker Carlson said this on Fox News.
So, Columbia University received from the state 12.8 million dollars, although the target capital of the institution is 11 billion dollars. Leading University Lee Bollinger receives a salary of $ 2 million per year.
“Thus, it turns out that Lee Bollinger will receive about a sixth of the assistance provided by the state,” the journalist notes.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York received $ 4.8 million in federal assistance. Carson, in turn, drew attention to the fact that this amount is less than the annual salary of Shirley University President Ann Jackson.
The University of Pennsylvania received $ 9.9 million with an annual salary of the head of the institution of 3 million and a target capital of $ 14.7 billion.
The University of Michigan, being the only state university on this list, received $ 25 million in aid, despite having over 12 billion in bank accounts. According to the journalist, in 2020 they want to spend 8 million on a football coach alone.
The peculiarity of the situation is that the Ministry of Education, distributing budget funds, did not bother to create a document that would limit the ways of spending this money. In particular, no one even banned the use of state aid for the payment of multimillion-dollar salaries.
At the same time, no one paid attention to the younger generation, the observer emphasizes.
“Why? Because universities are one of the most influential political interest groups in the country, and young people are not, like you. Therefore, authorities are scattered in billions, giving them to those who do not even need them. And you, meanwhile, do not know how to pay a mortgage, ”Tucker Carlson stated.