WHO assess measures taken in Russia to combat coronavirus

Melita Vujnovich, representative of the World Health Organization, noted the effectiveness of the restrictive measures that the Russian authorities introduced to combat the spread of COVID-19.

“Indeed, in Moscow and in Russia as a whole, there has been a tendency to reduce the total number of new cases of COVID-19 starting April 20, 2020. This is encouraging”, – she told the reporters.

However, according to Vuynovich, in some regions there has not yet been a positive trend: for example, in the Murmansk region, the growth of cases in recent days has increased from 10 to 19 percent.

“It is necessary to make sure that positive changes occur throughout the country for a sufficiently long time before we can confidently talk about the peak of the incidence rate. So far, we can say that the restrictive measures applied and the system as a whole copes with the epidemic in the country”, – added Vuynovich.

The number of cases of coronavirus infection in Russia reached 62,773, 555 people died, 4891 recovered. Over the last day, 4774 new patients with COVID-19 were identified – this is 868 and 462 people less than on April 21 and 22, respectively.

In most regions, the regime of universal isolation continues to operate, and in Moscow, in addition to this, a pass system has been introduced. Authorities urged citizens not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary, to observe hygiene rules, and in the event of going outside, to stay at least a meter and a half from other people.