A political war with a bacteriological tint can happen between the United States and China, Federation Council member Alexei Pushkov said on Twitter.
In his opinion, the situation will develop into such events if Washington accuses Beijing of intentionally hiding information about the coronavirus. At the same time, the parliamentarian emphasized, a clash between the two countries was predicted for a long time.
“At first it found expression in a trade war. But if the United States decides to accuse China of deliberately hiding data on COVID-19, this clash could take the form of a political war with a bacteriological hue”, – Pushkov concluded.
The American television channel Fox News, citing sources, said earlier that the first patient with COVID-19 worked in the laboratory of the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. One of the channel’s sources accused China of “the most expensive evidence-hiding operation” in history.
It is alleged that the laboratory did not develop biological weapons, but was supposed to demonstrate outstanding results in virus research by Chinese scientists.