Iran: US tries to divert world community attention from economic terrorism

Statements by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to extend the existing arms embargo against Iran are aimed at diverting the attention of the world community from Washington’s continued economic terrorism against the Iranian people. This was stated by the Permanent Representative of Iran to the UN, Majid Takht-Ravanchi.

Iran: US tries to divert world community attention from economic terrorism

“Another US attempt to divert attention from ongoing economic terrorism against the Iranian people: this time, the US is calling on the Security Council (UNSC) to violate resolution 2231 itself and extend the arms embargo on Iran,” Takht-Ravanchi wrote on Sunday on Twitter.

He added that the United States will not be able to convince other countries to violate international law.

On Saturday, Pompeo once again appealed to the UN Security Council (UN Security Council) with a call to extend the existing arms embargo against Iran.