British journalist wanted to accuse China of killing Johnson, but he suddenly survived

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was just a step away from death, and Beijing’s accusation of killing a politician who had picked up COVID-19 would have looked plausible.

This was told by the British publicist Trevor Cavana, admitting that he had hoped to publish the previously prepared obituary to Boris Johnson, who managed to overcome the disease.

According to Cavana, he expected to start an obituary with the words “China killed our Prime Minister”. He claims that such an accusation “would have looked plausible” if Johnson had nevertheless passed away. According to the journalist, it becomes clear that he rather wanted to criticize China rather than honor the politician. It was China that he called the main winner in the current situation.

“COVID-19 runs the risk of opening the door to Beijing’s dominance of world trade and commerce, which is unthinkable to harm our freedoms and democracy”, – Cavana resents.

Moreover, he called “suicidal” the fact that it is Chinese money that is considered as a resource for overcoming the consequences of the corona crisis.