The Americanist explained why the US is conducting an information war against the Russian Federation during a pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic revealed the failure of the American health care system, but US authorities are trying to cover up this fact by accusing Russia and China of misinformation about the US fight against the epidemic, said Vladimir Bruter, an expert at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Research.

The Americanist explained why the US is conducting an information war against the Russian Federation during a pandemic

To date, over 530 thousand patients with coronavirus have been identified in the United States, and the number of deaths from this disease has exceeded 20 thousand. This is the most depressing statistic in the world.

Nevertheless, US President Donald Trump has signed a memorandum stating that the US has a priority to protect its own people from COVID-19, but the American leadership is ready to help Italy suffering from coronavirus to demonstrate its leadership despite the “misinformation of Russia and China” .

This “misinformation” was previously announced by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. According to him, Russia, China and Iran are spreading messages that discredit the measures taken by the Americans to combat the pandemic.

According to him, the memorandum signed by Trump shows that the United States cannot afford to make Russia and China look more successful in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and help other countries. That is why an information campaign is being promoted, within the framework of which Moscow and Beijing are trying to make some kind of “misinformation”.

“If Russia receives any bonuses in geopolitics, the United States immediately tries to win them back, traditionally using information warfare techniques. And the catastrophe in the American state due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus does not stop Washington in this game, where the main task is to blame Moscow for everything that can and cannot be, and to find Russian traces everywhere, ”Bruter believes.