“This is not a crisis”: Refugees threaten Europe with new outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic

The EU migration policy has already brought a lot of losses for various countries and their citizens. Refugees and migrants are not liked throughout Europe, despite the fact that the government provides them with fairly expanded rights. Now the situation with refugees in the EU countries is getting worse every day, and there are good reasons for this – migrants become carriers of COVID-19 and the authorities cannot force them to comply with quarantine.

“This is not a crisis”: Refugees threaten Europe with new outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic
In this article, we propose to consider the situation in the three EU countries, which have previously suffered most from the influx of migrants.

Refugees in France suffer from hunger

In France, hundreds of refugees living outdoors without proper sanitation or housing are now also short of food, the Information Bus for Refugees charity reports.

Mass relief groups that served hot meals daily for migrants and refugees in northern France were forced to suspend their activities due to COVID-19.

Despite a national ban, migrants and asylum seekers cannot engage in social distance or self-isolation.
Since charities were required to stay home, they stopped distributing food, leaving migrants and asylum seekers to rely on basic food packages served by local authorities, which consist of a slice of bread, cheese, and butter.

181 containers sent to Greece for refugee isolation

VIENNA – Austria – which has closed its borders to refugees and migrants – will send 181 containers to Greece as a refuge for them after 21 cases of the coronavirus COVID-19 have been detected in two camps, where they are kept far north of Athens.

Some containers can also be used as mobile medical facilities and were shipped after a request from the government of the New Democracy of Greece, said the Ministry of Migration, as other countries of the European Union refuse to accept part of the 110,000 transshipment in Greece.

Other EU countries either essentially ignored or rejected Greece’s call for help in overcoming the refugee and migrant crisis that arose during the viral crisis that arose when the economic crisis and the austerity crisis came to an end and the country began to recover slowly.

On Sunday (April 5), Greece isolated a second institution for migrants on its mainland after a 53-year-old man tested positive for COVID-19. Authorities basically closed Moriah camp, which houses 18,000 refugees on the island of Lesbos.

Refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina Deprived of Help

Official and international organizations that help migrants and refugees can no longer enter reception centers in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina due to a complete ban on entry and exit from camps associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to leaving people in camps in a state of forced isolation and inaction, these organizations warn that this also leads to a lack of information and support, which, combined with a ban on movement, can lead to incidents.

On March 17, Serbia introduced a quarantine regime for all of its reception centers. Since then, people have not been allowed to leave these centers, unless they seek medical help or with special permission. The ban is valid in both directions, therefore, not one of the employees of the human rights organization can enter the premises either.

Media reports report that at least two violent incidents have occurred in the past few days among migrants and asylum seekers in centers in Serbia, one in Krenjac and the other in Obrenovac, both in a wider area of ​​Belgrade. Reports said the police and the army had to intervene to calm the situation.

Summing up, I would like to note that Europe has once again shown its face to the threat to its own security, which means that all the democratic rights declared by the West were null and void. I analyze the current situation, I recall the film “What Men Talk About”, in which the migration crisis in the EU is very well characterized. But Europe has put itself in such a position on its own, without outside help, and long before the problems with the pandemic and the “Russian intervention”, which they have been saying from all sides every day for the past 6 years.