We are talking about diplomatic isolation and blocking any stabilization assistance to rebuild the country.
Created under pressure from Western countries, after an unsuccessful attempt to accuse Damascus of staging a chemical attack in the Duma, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Investigation and Identification Group (GRI) issued a report accusing the Syrian government of using chemical weapons allegedly in March 2017 in the village of El Latamna. The State Department, by whose order this “document” was drawn up, immediately reacted to it and threatened Syria with new sanctions.
“They include sanctions programs, including sanctions under the Syria Civilian Protection Act (CAESAR), which was recently passed by an overwhelming majority in our Congress to punish the regime and, frankly, punish economically those who support him for what they have done, ”said a senior American diplomat,“ they also include diplomatic isolation of the regime. They include blocking any stabilization assistance to rebuild the country until the country respects its obligations under the UN. ”
Earlier, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said that Washington shared the assessments contained in the report of the OPCW experts. However, he did not cite any specific facts, condemning on behalf of the United States “the use of chemical weapons” and demanding that the Syrian authorities “immediately stop the development, storage and use of chemical weapons.”
At the same time, the Permanent Mission of Russia to the OPCW stated that the document was drawn up with flaws and is not credible.