Coronavirus did not come to the United States from China – experts have identified the source of the epidemic

Closing the air link with China was a reasonable measure, but not sufficient.

The authors of the study concluded that ending air travel with China was not a sufficient measure, although some of the cases of infection did come from those who came from the Pacific coast of the United States or from Asian countries.

As News Front reported, the United States is now the leader in the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. To date, the number of those infected there has exceeded 430,000. At the same time, the number of lethal outcomes has reached 14.7 thousand.

New York City has become the centre of the epidemic. In this city alone, the number of coronavirus victims has exceeded 4,500. In one of the closed hospitals in New York City, which contains only patients infected with COVID-19, the mortality rate is 25%. The staff at the facility spoke about the lack of ventilators, as well as specialists who can properly connect patients to the system.