The End of the World as We Know It. Part 2, “Down the rabbit hole”


Janet Ozebaard, a Dutch researcher and author of the documentary The End of the World as We Know It, in the second series spoke about the origin of a new movement on the Internet called Q.

Q is an anonymous movement that posts small ciphers, “tiny crumbs” that their followers are forced to read and think. Qs do not give any answers, on the contrary, they provoke their readers to think, search and solve riddles. Q’s work aims to expose conspiracy theories and Masonic organisations.

According to the investigation in this series, the world is ruled by only 1 percent of the population, about which ordinary people do not even know. We are talking about such influential families as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the banking system, medical and various foundations that sponsor the illuminators at the moment and throughout history. It reveals the true motives of the Nazis and the many wars.