UN Security Council to hold a video session on the pandemic on 9 April

Such a meeting was postponed for a long time.

The UN Security Council will hold closed consultations on the Coronavirus pandemic situation by videoconference on Thursday, 9 April. This was announced Monday by a source in the Council of Europe.

“It was decided to hold consultations on Thursday”, –  the agency’s interlocutor said.

Such a meeting was postponed for a long time, as the issue of the epidemic is not on the agenda of the Security Council, but now the countries consider it appropriate to discuss the impact of the pandemic on the topics under control of the Security Council. In particular, these are proposals of the UN Secretary General on easing sanctions against some countries, cessation of hostilities, as well as humanitarian assistance and the impact of the pandemic on the actions of peacekeeping missions.

The meeting was requested by nine non-permanent members of the Security Council (Belgium, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Germany, Indonesia, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia, Vietnam and Vietnam). Earlier, UN Secretary General António Guterres confirmed that he would make a presentation at the Council’s request.

According to recent data, in the world coronavirus infected about 1.3 million people, recorded about 70 thousand deaths.