Coronavirus took more American lives than wars in the last 250 years

The worst week of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has begun in the USA.

According to U.S. General Surgeon Jerome Adams, it can be compared to the attack on Pearl Harbor or 9/11 attacks.

According to information from the Johns Hopkins Institute, which monitors the spread of coronavirus in the United States, the number of lethal outcomes in the country has reached 10.3 thousand.

The situation was commented on by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, drawing attention to the fact that the coronavirus claimed more lives of Americans than six armed conflicts in which America was involved.

Thus, the American Revolution of the 18th century, the War of Independence of 1812-1815, the North American intervention of 1846-1848, the Indian Wars, which lasted a total of more than three hundred years, as well as the wars in the Persian Gulf took the lives of 9,961 American soldiers.

To date, coronavirus in the U.S. kills more than a thousand people every day, twice as many deaths from lung cancer and influenza – until now the most deadly diseases in the United States. The US Department of Health also warns that the epidemic is approaching its peak.

Earlier, News Front reported that in one of the closed hospitals in New York City, which contains only patients infected with COVID-19, the mortality rate is 25%. Staff at the facility described the lack of artificial lung ventilation devices, as well as specialists who can properly connect patients to the system.