Modern Days Piracy

The Guardian reported on 04 April 2020, “US accused of ‘modern piracy’ after diversion of masks meant for Europe”. (

Contagious CORONA-19, although it is comparatively less fatal than the previous pandemics like SARS, Ebola, MERC, etc., yet has created more fear and panic. Especially in the US, who were relaxing and enjoying when China was facing an outbreak. They were over-engaged in bashing, blaming, and defaming China. They used derogatory remarks about China and officially termed it as “opportunity”.

The US delayed the actions and wasted the crucial time. When they realized the intensity of the outbreak in the US, it was quite late, and the situation became rather serious. Till date, there is no cure, no medicines, and no vaccine for COVID-19. The only prevention available is social distance and hygienic habits. Appropriate food may enhance immunity and resistance against pandemic.

At the public level, a vast panic is witnessed; people are stocking food, hygienic, and protective materials. There exists a severe shortage of some of these items. People are quarreling and arguing with each other. Some cases of theft and lootings were also reported.

In fear and panic, people are buying guns and ammunition. They predict a civil war-like situation. Suspension of flights and restriction on travel has aggregated the situation further. The country is facing a shortage of Masks, Testing Kits, Ventilators, and hygienic materials.

Although the Government has taken several measures like allocation of 2 trillion budget, and asked industry to produce the vitally needed products under pandemic. Automobile manufacturing companies are focused on manufacturing of ventilators etc. It is expected, over a while, the American Industry will produce enough Masks, Ventilators, testing kits, and hygienic materials.

Scientists around the globe are working cure or medicine or vaccine for COVID-19. Trust, Hard work of Scientists community will be fruitful soon.

Government is also in panic & confusion. President Trump is issuing conflicting remarks about the cure of pandemic, etc. But the recent story published in “The Guardian” on 04 April 2020 has surprised the whole world.

The US was World Leader and supposed to care for the whole world. When the outbreak happened in China, it was expected that the Global community would extend all possible cooperation to overcome pandemic. Notably, the US is the largest economy, the most advanced country in the Science, Technology, and Innovations, and our expectations were high accordingly.

After China, the situation in the EU become dangerous, especially among the NATO countries, a close ally with the US. It was again expected that the US would understand its responsibility and outreached immediately.

Unfortunately, the US response was rather desperate and selfish. Post pandemic, its consequences may appear obvious. Reliability on the US may take turn, and dependency on NATO may become less. Among EU, there might be challenge to keep unity or current status. The US may also not maintain the status quo for a longer time. The whole scenario of geopolitics may reshape.

Pandemic is a humankind issue and should have been dealt on humanity basis. Keeping the politics aside, we should have outreached to rescue human lives in any part of the world. Irrespective of race, religion, or ethnicity, we must respect human beings. The only way to address such pandemic is collective efforts. Many individual countries may not have sufficient resources or capacity to face the challenges.

Viruses do not recognize boundaries, do not differentiate between poor or rich, leaders or common men. Viruses do not discriminate. Why do we?

Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.