Senior Kremlin agent frightening the authorities revealed in Sweden

The story of the next so-called “Russian intervention” in Sweden has taken an unexpected turn.

Journalists from the local SVT television channel decided to find out who was behind the “Russian Internet attack”, from which Swedish Minister of Energy and Information Technology, Anders Igeman, allegedly suffered during a discussion of 5G networks. The official himself, when faced with unexpected criticism, hastily blamed what was happening on Russia.

“Probably, many of those who are currently discussing this issue are Swedes, but in the case of 5G, the nuance is that we observe thousands of comments from bots”, – the official said in an interview for SVT.

To check the origins of the scandal, journalists studied 2 thousand comments under the minister’s publication on the social network Facebook, which made Igeman throw charges. They never found a Russian trace, but found that a significant number of comments were made thanks to members of the community “WIFI radiation is hazardous to health. Stop 5G”.

When the minister made the publication, the administrator of this group issued a call to 15 thousand members of the community:

“Help everyone! Go to Anders Igeman’s Facebook page and comment!”

At the same time, Katarina Hollbrink, an elderly resident of Stockholm, became the main “provocateur” of an active discussion in the social network.

“I was speechless, it seemed so absurd”, – she told the reporters.

“A very large number of people responded to our call and began to comment”.

After that, the journalists again asked for a comment on Igeman. They hoped to find out from the official what made him rush with unsubstantiated accusations against Russia. The Minister assured that his employees came to conclusions about the “Russian intervention”, having examined some “signs”.