Anti-Russian policy opponent is promoted in NATO leadership structures

The Alliance can revise its approach to Russia, making it more “realistic”.

This will be possible if the NATO expert council is headed by the former French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrin, who enjoys the patronage of Emmanuel Macron.

An expert council is created on the basis of the North Atlantic Alliance with the aim of forming a promising strategy for the Western militaristic bloc. At the same time, Hubert Vedrin is an opponent of the destructive Russophobic policy that the West adheres to.

The French politician himself previously stated that France intends to build realistic, but friendly relations with the Russian Federation. Vedrin is confident that the attitude of Western states towards Russia is too arrogant.

According to him, the United States is promoting its own foreign policy, not caring about the interests of its European “partners”, which means France needs to do the same.