Did the Czechs and Slovaks forget how the Soviet soldiers saved them from the Nazis?

The Czechs decided to forget who saved them from the Nazi invaders. Recently in Prague, a monument to Marshal Kornilov was demolished.

Did the Czechs and Slovaks forget how the Soviet soldiers saved them from the Nazis?

Political analyst Vladimir Kornilov in his Telegram presented excerpts from the Act on the investigation of Nazi crimes in the Zvolensky district:

“In November, December 1944 and January 1945, the Nazi invaders … organized the mass extermination of peaceful Czechoslovak citizens – women, old people and children …

There are 128 corpses in 6 holes in the Jewish cemetery, of which 26 are women and 5 are children. A medical examination found that the corpses had traces of beatings with whips, iron rods, bullet wounds in the back of the head and asphyxiation …

Among the corpses are Slovaks, Jews, Gypsies, French and Russian partisans, old people and women under 80 years of age, children from 6 months to 12 years old …

Among them – the entire Rotov family, consisting of a husband, wife and 3 children, the youngest child was 6 months old, who also had a bullet wound to the rear of the skull … ”

Kornilov emphasizes that all this is just excerpts and in only one district. The scale of the crimes of the Germans can only be imagined.

“These are just excerpts. Did the Czechs and Slovaks really forget all this ?! ”, he said.

It seems that they have forgotten or are trying very hard to do it. And until they themselves realize what they are doing, the situation will only worsen. Forgetting the past means condemning the future.