How karma works: is it possible that COVID-19 is a successful project of the USA?

According to the WHO report on the spread of the new coronavirus pneumonia, as of March 30, 2020, 717 992 infection cases were confirmed worldwide, 150 914 patients recovered, 33 883 cases were fatal.

Western European countries such as Italy, Spain and Germany have become main epicenters of the spread of the coronavirus infection right after China, and on March 24, WHO announced that the United States became the new focus of the spread of COVID-19 (currently there are 142 735 people infected in the United States).

Against the backdrop of the rapid spread of coronavirus in the United States and the accompanying decline in the economic activity, confirmed by the American President, the Trump Administration is confidently acting within the framework of anti-Chinese policy: quoting diplomatic sources, NBC News says that the Administration demands that the fact of “the Wuhan origin” of COVID-19 is included in the UN resolution. In Beijing, it is not denied that the virus could have been brought into China by the American troops. If some time ago such assumptions were little taken into account and for the most part rejected, being similar to conspiracy theories, today most politicians around the world have already begun talking about their legitimacy.

The US is known for its alarming activity in sponsoring biological weapon laboratories involved in the study of pathogenic biological agents, “obtaining biological material for future experiments”, as well as developing and introducing new technologies into the military sphere. Of particular interest is the geographical location of such laboratories: these are the countries of western and central Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia. We also note the agreement signed in 2005 between the Health Department of Ukraine and the US Department of Defense, according to which “in order to assist Ukraine in preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens and knowledge located in the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene in Lviv, as well as other facilities in Ukraine, defined by the Health Department of Ukraine, which can be used in the development of biological weapons, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the US Department of Defense provides grant aid in the amount of cash allocated to achieve this goal to the Health Department of Ukraine”.

The next important object is the Lugar Laboratory, also known as the Georgian Research Center in Tbilisi, which is functioning at the disposal of the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia and is the investment project of the USA aimed at creating a strategic military facility. The laboratory is studying especially dangerous infectious diseases, but it hides the true motives of its research, which may indicate the possibility of developing biological weapons. Statements about the danger associated with the activities of this center were repeatedly voiced by Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, as well as numerous representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The available data suggest that the main vectors of the direction of the bacteriological threat emanating from the United States are Russia and mainland China.

Taking into account the given facts, let us try to hypothesize that the new coronavirus pneumonia is a provocation of the USA, an American military development, introduced through biological weapon laboratories located in West Asia in order to destroy the main rival of the USA – China. The goal of introducing such a means of struggle could initially be not only elimination of the constant threat of the increasing economic influence of the “Celestial Empire”, but also obtaining the greatest benefits from the trade agreement that was supposed to be concluded with China: after all, it was much easier to agree with an economy weakened by coronavirus that had struck its main driving force, on  conditions, not entirely beneficial for it. In this case, it was already a question of an ethnic war conducted with the use of new bacteriological weapons. Trump’s traditional attacks on China add fuel to the fire, an attempt to accuse it of launching a global pandemic is Trump’s typical game in the style of “the best defense is an attack”.

However, now that the political intrigue is gaining new momentum and the US itself is falling into the hole it made for its rival, what does the world superpower have to do next?

On March 29, a source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation said that Russia was concerned about the US military and biological activities in nearby countries, being implemented in the laboratory workouts financed by the Pentagon, and insists on clarifying the purpose of these laboratories.

“As for the “American trace” in the emergence of COVID-19, we don’t have such information for today”, – a source in the Foreign Ministry said. “However, for a long time we have been watching with concern the US military and biological activities carried out in close proximity to our borders. In our neighboring countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia, and the latter border with China, there are biological laboratories created with the money of Washington and with the participation of business travelling specialists from there”, – he added.

The Italian political expert Tiberio Graziani, President of the Vision & Global Trends International Institute for Global Analysis, in an interview with News Front correspondents, commented on the situation as follows:

“Currently, with reference to the lab creation of the coronavirus, as a bacterioligic weapon, there are no certain elements to affirm it. The fact that these theories or assumptions run on various media and social networks is a demonstration of the frustration of those who write or disseminate them. However, it should be emphasized that so-called conspiracy hypotheses of this kind actually create a smoke screen that prevents a serious, peaceful and articulated debate on global epidemics.

“In my opinion, the question of such health crises cannot be reduced to an ideological confrontation. However, this must not be an alibi for not investigating military laboratories that develop bacterioligic weapons”, – Mr. Grziani said.

The conclusion suggests itself: of course, we should not prematurely put conspiracy theological ideas into the mass consciousness of the civilian population. Nevertheless, the question of the open, legal functioning of worrying laboratories is one of the leading issues on the political agenda of government agencies of all countries of the world community. Joint efforts should be made to study the activities of centers for the research of biological material, ideologically and financially supported by the United States of America. One of the priority tasks is to give Lugar’s Tbilisi laboratory an international status, which will allow independent experts from Russia, European and Western countries to fully participate in its activities and be aware of all the nuances of the experiments. This will increase the chances of preserving the right to a safe existence of citizens in the nearby territories.