Many Americans are rapidly losing their jobs due to the outbreak of the country’s coronavirus epidemic. Those who are not fired are sent on free leave.
This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by the sociological service “Ipsos” commissioned by the news agency “Reuters”.
According to sociologists, 23 percent of those surveyed remained on free leave or even without work due to an epidemic. At the same time, the vast majority of respondents – 81 percent – believe that it is necessary to continue to follow the rules of self-isolation and not go to work, “despite the economic consequences.” Accordingly, only 19 percent of the respondents took the opposite position.
According to the US Department of Labor, amid the spread of coronavirus in the country, the number of Americans who filed their first applications for unemployment benefits exceeded 3.2 million in just the past week. Thus, the number of such applications has increased by more than a thousand percent.
As News Front previously reported, the United States has become the world leader in the distribution of the coronavirus COVID-19. According to Johns Hopkins University, according to the results of the past days, 100,717 infected and more than 1,500 deaths were recorded in the United States. Only 862 people recovered. For comparison, in Italy, according to the latest information, 86.5 thousand cases were recorded.