Financiers expect April to be the peak of the US market crash

There is no need to wait for a sustainable stock market reversal in the current situation.

This was told by Kirill Tremasov, head of the analytical department of the investment company “Loko-Invest”.

The day before the market was marked by growth against the backdrop of a prolonged decline. Thus, the Dow Jones index rose by 11%, while European markets opened with growth of 4-4.5% and Asian markets with growth up to 8%. However, by the second half of the day, oil prices collapsed again.
According to Tremasov, the current market indicators clearly demonstrate the recession that has begun. At the same time, the most alarming situation is in the euro zone.

“In the U.S. and Britain, the recession is likely to peak next month”, –  the expert believes. – “Against the background of such a picture in the economy one should not count on a steady reversal of the stock market. The burst of optimism observed now is likely to be short-term”.