Over 60 refugees from abroad returned to Syria within 24 hours

More than 60 people returned from Lebanon to Syria within 24 hours, no refugees were withdrawn from Jordan, according to the newsletter of the reception, distribution and accommodation centre published on the Russian Ministry of Defense Facebook page.

“In the past 24 hours, 61 refugees returned to the Syrian Arab Republic from foreign territories, including 61 from Lebanon through checkpoints “Jeidet Yabus”, “Tell Kalah” (women – 18, children – 31), from Jordan through checkpoint “Nasib””, –  the text of the bulletin reads.

It is noted that no refugees were withdrawn to their places of permanent residence within the country within 24 hours.

It is added that the engineering units of the Syrian Armed Forces have carried out demining tasks in the localities of Duma (Damascus province), Jasim and al-Harra (Deraa province). Two hectares of land have been cleared in a day, and 45 explosive ordnance items have been found and destroyed.