Coronavirus pandemic: Russian rapid tests used worldwide

In Africa, the Middle East and Asia, states use Russian test systems to detect cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection.

Coronavirus pandemic: Russian rapid tests used worldwide

On Saturday, March 21, the press service of Rospotrebnadzor reports.

According to the agency, now domestic rapid tests are used in thirteen countries, including the states of the Eurasian Economic Union and the CIS, as well as North Korea, Iran and Mongolia. In particular, it was thanks to the Russian rapid tests that the first cases of the disease were detected in Belarus and Armenia.

In total, over 100 thousand test systems were transmitted. Soon, lots of tests will be transferred to Venezuela and Egypt. The transfer of tests to Serbia is also expected, which the European Union has left without the opportunity to purchase European medicines and equipment to combat the epidemic.

Test systems were developed by specialists of the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology “Vector”. As News Front previously reported, several variants of vaccines against a new type of coronavirus have already been developed here.

Already, the effectiveness of the drugs is tested in laboratory animals. This will allow you to calculate the quality dosage and method of application.

Tentatively, the vaccine will be available by the fourth quarter of this year.

As News Front previously reported, the first cases of new COVID-19 coronavirus infection were reported in China late last year. Now the disease has acquired pandemic status.

COVID-19 affects the alveoli of the lungs. Its key symptoms are fever, which can not be reduced with standard drugs, as well as dry cough and breathing problems.

It is important to note that older people are at risk. Due to weakened immunity, their body is not able to withstand the virus. At the same time, only 5% of those infected have a severe illness. 15% – faced with the need for hospitalization. In 80%, the disease proceeds in a mild form resembling a common cold.