Libyan PNS militants fired on Qasr bin Gashir, civilians were hit

Terrorists of the so-called Government of National Accord (PNS) of Libya are firing at housing estates near Tripoli. As a result of the shelling, civilians, including children, are dying. This is the official channel of the Libyan National Army (LNA).

Libyan PNS militants fired on Qasr bin Gashir, civilians were hit

Terrorist organizations continue to bombard the positions of the LNA, despite the current truce in Libya. Militants fired from different types of artillery weapons. Civilians often fall under fire. Several areas of Qasr bin Gashir have been hit hard by bombing by Libyan PNS fighters.

The LNA official speaker, Ahmad Mismari, stated that the army of the LNA commander, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, controls most of Tripoli. The main task of its troops is the destruction of terrorists in the central region of the capital.