Russian senator speaks about record fall in US exchanges

Senator Alexei Pushkov reacted to the largest collapse in the US stock markets since 1987.

The parliamentarian believes the assumption that the coronavirus is a consequence of a conspiracy of pharmacists is absurd.

“The US stock exchange crashed in a way that it has not crashed since 1987. Nobody benefits from the epidemic, and the world loses billions”, – Pushkov wrote on Twitter.

On Thursday, March 12, US indices closed with a fall from 7.9 to 9.3 percent, which was the worst indicator in more than 30 years.

The situation was negatively affected by a statement by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who announced a 30-day ban on entering the country from Europe due to coronavirus.

Against this background, the day before, American exchanges opened by a seven percent drop and were forced to suspend trading ten minutes after they started. After resumption, indices continued to fall below seven percent.