In Germany, the French region has been placed at risk by the coronavirus

On Wednesday, the Robert Koch Institute ranked the Grand Est region in France as a “risk zone” in connection with the proliferation of coronavirus, the agency’s website informs.

Earlier in Germany, Italy, Iran, Hubei Province in China and the eastern province of Kensan-Pucto in the Republic of Korea were declared “risk zones”.

The Robert Koch Institute’s website explains that “areas of risk are areas in which repeated human-to-human transmission may be expected”. Earlier at a briefing in Berlin, the head of the Institute Lothar Wheeler explained that the term “risk zone” is intended primarily for diagnosticians who must take this factor into account when compiling an anamnesis of the patient.

The Grand Est, or Greater East Region, brings together Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne – the Ardennes – and borders several states, including Germany.