Trump called Bloomberg the biggest loser in the primary

U.S. President Donald Trump proclaimed Mike Bloomberg the main loser of the Democrats’ primaries.

“The biggest loser today by a wide margin is Mike Bloomberg. His “political” consultants fooled him. He flushed $700 million down the sewer and got nothing but the nickname “mini Mike” and a completely destroyed reputation. There’s something to strive for, Mike!” – tweeted Trump.

Bloomberg, who spent more than half a billion dollars on the campaign from his own funds, showed weak results on “super Tuesday” March 3 and did not win any state, not counting the archipelago of American Samoa. However, Bloomberg has made it clear that he intends to continue the campaign.
Trump and Bloomberg have known each other for many years, although they have never been considered friends. Recently, they’ve been exchanging harsh criticism. Trump on Tuesday began mocking Bloomberg’s growth, which is 17 centimeters below Trump, and Bloomberg responded by saying that the main thing about growth is having a head on his shoulders.