Serbia is preparing for a decisive battle for Kosovo – the issue will be resolved in 2020

Belgrade has received a strict ultimatum.

This statement was made by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in an interview with First Serbian Television.

According to him, the European Union intends to tighten its policy, increasing pressure on Serbia. In fact, Brussels intends to put forward to Belgrade a condition: guarantees of membership in the EU in exchange for recognition of independence of the self-proclaimed “Republic of Kosovo”. Vucic noted that the decision will have to be made already in 2020.

“Definitely an ultimatum awaits us this year. We will be guaranteed membership in the European Union, if we agree to recognize Kosovo. In addition, we will be promised a special status for the areas of Kosovo, where Serbs live”, –  said Vucic.

The President also noted that Belgrade intends to learn the position of the Serbian people in that regard, so the issue will be put to a referendum.

As News Front reported earlier, the Kosovo separatists, under pressure from the West, agreed to abolish the notorious 100% import duties on Serbian goods. According to the head of the Kosovo “government” Albin Kurti, the official decision will be taken on March 15. In return, he demanded from Belgrade to stop working on the abolition of the self-proclaimed “republic”.