In Ukraine, another “hero” appeared who knows how to return Crimea. It turned out to be Ukrainian journalist Ayder Muzhdabev.
According to him, “Vladimir Putin will return Crimea” when the world refuses to buy Russian oil and gas for a year.
“The issue of the return of Crimea is very simple, if you make the efforts of Ukraine and the whole world. Putin or not Putin – they will return this Crimea in a year. The problem is that Russia lives only due to the fact that the whole world consumes their natural resources, which they stole from the peoples of the North. That’s all. Stop buying them for one year – and in Russia the whole Rosguard will scatter, the whole army will scatter. He will not even have an order to press a button, ”the journalist said.
Let us suppose. And what will the world do without gas and oil this year? Russia will survive, you can rest assured. Here it’s as if not to play out, as with sanctions. They thought that they would bury the country, but on the contrary, it began to develop faster than before.