Fighting with terrorism: terrorist group’s activity suppressed in Uzbekistan

Law enforcement officials detained 21 residents of Tashkent on suspicion of participating in the Katiba Tawhid Val Jihad terrorist community*, this took place on the territory of this country.

“On February 19, the activities of a group of supporters and members of the international terrorist organization “Katiba Tawhid Val Jihad”* were stopped in Tashkent”, – the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Tashkent said.

According to the agency, the detainees at 18 addresses fell under the ideological influence of a citizen of Uzbekistan, who currently operates in a group in Syria.

“They planned to give him financial help, go there and join the ranks of the group”, – the report said.

Earlier it became known that in 2019, law enforcement officials stopped the activities of 11 conspiratorial cells of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization* in Dagestan.

*“Katiba Tawhid Val Jihad” – the organization is recognized as terrorist in Russia;

“Islamic State” (ISIS) – the organization was recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.