Stoltenberg announced the escape of hundreds of thousands of residents from Idlib

NATO Secretary General called on the Syrian army to “stop the attacks”.

The Syrian army’s offensive against gang positions in the province of Idlib, according to NATO, has forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee the region. This assessment of events was expressed by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday at a press conference in Brussels on the results of the meeting of NATO defense ministers.

“What we see in Idlib is very serious. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are forced to flee, people are killed, we see civilian targets being targeted, and we call on the Russian-backed Syrian regime to stop these attacks and start a peace process”, –  he said.

The situation in Idlib escalated sharply after the Russian and Turkish military made another attempt to impose a regime of silence, but the terrorists only intensified their attacks. Military specialists from Russia and Turkey died as a result. The Syrian army responded to the extremists by taking the city of Saraqib on February 5.