The Democrats realise fight against Trump to be useless and begin to defend him

Potential rival of Donald Trump made an unexpected statement.

American entrepreneur Andrew Young warned that the United States could slide into third-world countries if investigations begin against the Donald Trump administration.

The businessman made such a statement as part of a televised debate for the presidential candidate of the US Democratic Party, which took place at St. Anselm College in Manchester.

“The states where former presidents were locked up for the most part are developing. Once such a precedent is set, then it will be very problematic to change the situation, ”Young said, commenting on the promise of the senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren to start investigations against officials of the current administration if she becomes president.

In this regard, he proposed “pushing the country forward” and “not paying attention to the mistakes of predecessors.” At the same time, Young emphasized that for the most part, the Americans “do not care who did wrong,” for them their own well-being is much more important.

As News Front previously reported, US senators did not support the indictment under the impeachment procedure of Donald Trump. In particular, only 48 out of 100 senators voted to accuse the president of abuse of power. At the same time, only 47 members of the upper house of the US Congress were ready to accuse of obstructing the work of the Congress of the President.