Anti-American sentiment builds up in Bulgaria: US ambassador is required to be expelled from the country

Residents of Bulgaria understand that the tacit agreement of local authorities with the radical actions of the United States is comparable to the surrender of the sovereignty of the country.

This is stated in the material of the Bulgarian edition of News Front, dedicated to the scandalous incident with Andon Mitalov.

As it became known earlier, the judge of the specialized criminal court of Bulgaria Andon Mitalov was on the US sanctions list, as reported personally by the head of the Department of State Michael Pompeo. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, contrary to international standards, Washington accused the Bulgarian judge of corruption, and without providing any evidence.

The situation was already commented on by the chairman of the Russophila movement Nikolai Malinov, who had previously been accused of “espionage” in favor of the Russian Federation as part of the Russophobic provocation. He stressed that the lack of real arguments on the part of the United States led to the emergence of speculation regarding the Bulgarian judge.

“Since the State Department’s statement did not indicate the motives, reasons and arguments for the prosecution, the media related this to the judge’s decision to allow me to leave for Moscow last November in connection with the award of the Order of Friendship,” Malinov said, emphasizing that he “made a tough speech against US interference in Bulgaria. ”

At the same time, the social activist emphasized that Russia awards orders to those who strengthen international relations, while the United States, meanwhile, is trying to administer dubious justice on behalf of other countries.

As noted in the material, against this background, the country’s indignation of citizens who demand an adequate response from the authorities to Washington’s actions is not abating. In particular, there are calls to declare the US ambassador persona non grata and expel from Bulgaria, condemning the US for interference. Otherwise, Washington will perceive the silence of Sofia as “consent to the destruction of sovereignty.”