Kremlin on Trump’s justification: the main thing is that Russia ceases to be “the main demon”

A spokesman for Russian President Dmitry Peskov answered a question about how the Kremlin accepted the US Senate’s justification for US President Donald Trump.

According to him, Moscow “traditionally does not consider itself entitled to interfere in the internal affairs” of this country. The main thing is for the United States to stop using Russia as the “main demon” in internal political battles, Mr. Peskov noted.

“For us, this is absolutely unacceptable. And we believe that as soon as, in fact, Russian-American relations cease to be placed on the US political altar, then there will indeed be prospects for normalizing bilateral relations”, – the spokeswoman told the reporters.

Dmitry Peskov also noted that Moscow supports the resumption of dialogue with the United States on arms control.

“Russia has long been trying to initiate the beginning of such contacts. And Russia has long been offering its American partners to do this, so if this happens, we will only be satisfied”, – he said.

On February 5, the trial in impeachment of Donald Trump was completed in Washington. He was acquitted on both counts of abuse of power (52 votes to 48) and obstruction of Congress (53 votes to 47). The Republicans, who make up the majority in the Senate, voted against Mr. Trump’s accusations. The only exception is Republican Mitt Romney. He supported the first charge.