Johnson says will not accept EU standards in negotiations with Brussels

The UK in the upcoming trade negotiations with Brussels will not make concessions on issues related to standards and rules in the field of competition, subsidies and social protection, as the British rules are more perfect. 

Such an opinion will be expressed by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday during his speech with the position of the United Kingdom, Downing Street said in a statement.

Johnson is expected to express the UK’s position on the upcoming talks with Brussels on future relations between the parties after the final Brexit. One of the main issues will be a trade agreement, in accordance with which the parties will try to agree on mutually beneficial conditions.

“There is no need for a free trade agreement providing for the adoption of EU rules regarding competition policies, subsidies, social protection, the environment or the like, except that the EU will have to accept the UK rules”, – the Prime Minister said.

In his opinion, Britain will be able to maintain “the highest standards in these areas”, in many ways even better than the current EU standards.

Johnson once again recalled that Britain intends to conclude a free trade agreement with Brussels, similar to that which is currently in effect between the EU and Canada.

“The choice is not between a “deal or an agreement without a deal”. The question is whether we will achieve trade relations with the EU comparable with Canada or, rather, with Australia. In any case, I have no doubt that the UK will flourish. And, of course, our new relations with our closest neighbors will go far beyond trade”, – Johnson said.

The United Kingdom officially left the European Union on Friday evening, completing a three and a half year process. After Brexit, a transitional period began, which will last until the end of 2020. During this time, London will have to agree with the EU and other countries on formats for cooperation in all areas.