Known for brutal torture, the terrorist freely entered Europe. According to reports, a man born in 1988 was in France on a student visa as part of the EU’s student exchange program Erasmus. He was formerly known as the highly respected militant of the Jaysh al Islam terrorist group [Islamic Army]. In the ranks of jihadists, he was known for brutal torture.
According to the non-governmental organizations International Federation of Human Rights, the Syrian Center for the Media and Freedom of Expression, as well as the Human Rights League, the name of the terrorist is Maji Mustafa.
He was detained in Marseilles on Wednesday, and already on Friday hastily pronounced a sentence, accusing him of “acts of torture”, war crimes “and” complicity in enforced disappearances. “
Earlier, News Front repeatedly reported that, along with migrants, radical Islamists, who fought on the side of terrorist groups, including the Islamic state, also penetrate EU countries. * Moreover, Europeans who previously joined jihadists are returning to Europe.
According to the International Research Center for Radical Organizations at King’s College of London, about 6,000 citizens left for Britain, France and Germany to join Syria. Usually we are talking about people from the Middle East and North Africa who were born or lived for a long time in Europe and have European passports