There have never been as many foreigners in Germany as they are now. This is evidenced by the latest figures of the Central Register of Aliens. As of September 30, 2019, 11.14 million foreigners were registered, which is two percent more than at the end of 2018 (10.92 million).
At the end of 2011, this number was 6.93 million, in 1990 – 5.34 million. The high number of “refugees”, of course, is one of the main reasons for the growth in recent years. Between 2012 and 2019, two million asylum seekers arrived in the country.
A few days ago, the Federal Statistical Office of Germany announced that the population in Germany had reached a peak of 83.2 million people – the reason for this is the ongoing mass immigration.
This record number of foreigners does not even include persons with a “migratory past” (people with at least one of their parents being a foreigner or an immigrant).