Over 800 refugees from Lebanon and Jordan returned to Syria within 24 hours

More than 800 refugees have returned to Syria from foreign territories in the past 24 hours, according to the bulletin of the Russian centre for reconciliation of warring parties and control of refugee movement.

“Over the past 24 hours, 811 refugees returned to the Syrian Arab Republic from foreign territories, including 283 from Lebanon through the checkpoints “Jeidet Yabus”, “Tell Kalah” (women – 85, children – 145), from Jordan through the checkpoint “Nasib” – 528 people (women – 158, children – 269)”, –  it was reported.

According to the bulletin, 2.2 hectares of land have been cleared of mines and 37 explosive hazards have been destroyed in the past 24 hours.
The armed conflict in Syria has continued since 2011. At the end of 2017, it was announced that the ISIS terrorist group in Syria and Iraq had been defeated. Militant clean-up operations continue in parts of the country. The political settlement, the reconstruction of Syria and the return of refugees are now at the forefront.