The State Department does not forgive the shame: Pompeo took revenge on the journalist who did not please him

Excessive perseverance has cost the journalist in the country of “freedom”.

The US Department of State has taken punitive measures against National Public Radio journalist Mary Louise Kelly. According to CNN, she was crossed out of the pool of journalists who accompany Michael Pompeo during his visit to Ukraine.

As News Front reported, earlier a scandal broke out in the State Department when during Pompeo’s communication with journalists, Mary Louise Kelly started asking the Secretary of State uncomfortable questions regarding the dismissal of Ambassador to Ukraine Mary Jovanovitch. In particular, she asked whether the secretary of state defended his subordinate in conversations with U.S. President Donald Trump.

Pompeo could not escape the answer, so he preferred to just run away. At the same time, Kelly was invited to the head of the State Department for an explanatory talk, during which the chief U.S. diplomat winged her mat.

As it turned out, that’s not the end of the story. Thus, a few days after the incident, the State Department staff changed the list of Pompeo’s accompanying journalists, removing the National Public Radio employee from it. The State Department Correspondents Association has already criticized this decision, but there has been no reaction yet.