Coronavirus storms “dead” health care of Ukraine

A case of coronavirus infection has been revealed in Ukraine.

This is reported by the Kyiv City Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the results of the study.

In the publication of the press service of the state center it is noted that this case is the first one of the year. Thus, according to the results of the study of 67 samples, conducted by polymerase chain reaction, twelve positive results were received.

“Influenza A (H1N1) – 3, influenza A – 1, influenza B – 3, adenovirus – 2, Bokavirus – 1, coronovirus – 1 and rhinovirus – 1”, – the report says the results of the study.

It is noteworthy that the institution hastened to justify itself by claiming that the coronavirus is supposedly “not Chinese”. However, against this background, the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine held a meeting on the subject of virus spreading. In particular, the National Security and Defence Council decided to issue a daily news bulletin on the epidemiological situation.

Just to remind you, an outbreak of the new coronavirus was first recorded in the large Chinese city of Wuhan. Later cases have already been recorded in Australia, the USA, Canada, France, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

For Ukraine, the situation is aggravated by the fact that its health care system is absolutely unprepared to cope with such diseases. The Maydan regime of Petro Poroshenko has contributed to this situation. As President, Poroshenko secured the post of Minister of Health of Ukraine for Ulyana Suprun, an American protege who destroyed medicine with her scandalous “reforms”. In particular, it was forbidden to buy medicines in Russia, while Ukraine could not get any analogues. For all this Suprun was nicknamed “Doctor Death”.