Green party leader Habek mercilessly criticized US President Donald Trump’s speech in Davos.
Trump’s words were not even “politely erroneous,” but rather “completely incorrect.”
“It’s basically a disaster, and I’m stunned by how you can listen to something like this here. It was the worst speech I’ve ever heard in my life,” – Habek said.
After that, the Green leader added clarity: “Trump is not only an ally, he is an opponent. It has caused all the problems we have.”
In his speech, Trump highlighted the role and achievements of the United States, including climate protection, and criticized climate hysteria.
“This is not a time for pessimism, but a time for optimism”, – he said. – “It is important to reject the” eternal prophets of doom and their predictions of the Apocalypse “.
He particularly praised the economic power of the United States.
Trump also positively highlighted the recently signed trade agreement with China and expressed deep understanding to Chinese President XI Jinping.
“He’s for China, I’m for the United States. But otherwise we love each other,” – he said.