In western Ukraine, the unsuccessful wars of border guards with smugglers continue. According to the information we have received from a reliable source in the State Border Service of Ukraine, in 2019, 547 facts of illegal smuggling across the border from the territory of Ukraine to other countries using aircraft were officially recorded. Note that these are only fixed facts, provided that according to the statistics of the same border guards, not all cases can be fixed and stopped. As we already wrote, the number of flights of drones with smuggling reaches 15-20 in one night.
At the same time, not only the number of flights of aircraft across the border is regularly increasing, but also the ways of delivery of contraband cargoes themselves are being improved. In addition to traditional drones, last year Ukrainian border guards discovered a hang glider abandoned by smugglers (!).
The vast majority of violations occur on the Ukrainian-Romanian border (apparently due to the fact that the Romanian border guards are as “watchful and honest” as their Ukrainian counterparts). A little smaller, but still smuggled parcels from Ukraine to the territory of Hungary, Slovakia and Poland are transported by air.
Recall that all smuggling processes are controlled by “warriors of the world”, who have already thoroughly reorganized into serious criminal groups.
Rumors that the easiest way to get to Europe – through Ukraine, have spread far beyond the “non-permanent”. Recently, there has been an increase in the flow of migrants from the Middle East, who enter the territory of Ukraine from Turkey by air and sea, and then illegally enter the EU countries. Who exactly are these illegal “tourists” and what is the battle path behind them, probably does not need to be explained.
Europeans should be “infinitely grateful” to the United States for the chaos they sowed in Ukraine and the Middle East. Thanks to him, until recently, safe Europe enters massively weapons and frostbitten militants who know how to use them.
In fairness, it must be said that smuggling through the western borders of Ukraine was supplied earlier. Only now cigarettes and amber are being replaced by more profitable and dangerous goods – weapons and ammunition. Fortunately, there are more than enough “unaccounted for” people brought by “warriors of light” from the war zone in the Donbass.