Chinese authorities have called for a resumption of dialogue and an immediate ceasefire in Libya

Yang Jiechi, head of the office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Foreign Affairs, said that both the causes of the conflict in Libya and its possible consequences should be taken into account.

China calls for a resumption of dialogue in Libya, an immediate ceasefire in that country and a political settlement led by the UN. This was stated by Yang Jiechi, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and head of the office of the CPC Commission on Foreign Affairs, at the international conference on Libya in Berlin.

“Efforts to resolve the Libyan issue must be based on the key interests of the people of Libya, as well as on the future of that country. There must be an immediate ceasefire. All parties concerned must resume dialogue and reconciliation as soon as possible”, –  Xinhua quoted him on Monday.

“China has always taken an objective and fair position on the Libyan issue, based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, has always respected the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Libya, and has insisted on political settlement of the Libyan issue under the leadership of the UN”, –  Yang Jiechi said.

According to him, it is necessary “to properly resolve differences in order to achieve regional peace and stability. “Negative side effects of the Libyan issue should also be addressed through an integrated approach that takes into account both the root causes of the conflict and its consequences,” Yang Jiechi said. He pointed out that “China is ready to continue working with the international community to restore peace, stability and development in Libya”.