Marches in Algeria demanding democracy in the country

Peaceful marches and demonstrations, the participants of which demanded the establishment of a democratic system in the country and the release of political prisoners from among the activists of the Hirak protest movement, took place on Friday in the capital and several major cities of Algeria.

According to the TSA information portal, in the framework of the 48th consecutive Friday of protests in the capital of the republic, citizens traditionally filled a number of central streets and squares. The participants demanded that the authorities ensure fundamental freedoms, reaffirmed “the people’s desire for real democracy, independence and the rule of law”.

“We are for a civilian, not a military state! We want a regime change! For a free and democratic Algeria!” – thousands of people who have already become familiar with slogans chanted unanimously.

The action was closely watched by law enforcement officers who guarded government agencies and prevented any attempted offenses.