Americans can learn about Biden’s scandalous cases in Ukraine personally from him

Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden suddenly agreed to testify in the Senate in the Donald Trump impeachment case.

Biden made that statement to voters in the state of Iowa.

As News Front reported, earlier Vice President Barack Obama categorically refused to testify before the legislators. At the same time, Biden did not hide the fact that the decision was motivated by fears of solving his dark cases in Ukraine. According to him, Trump could have taken advantage of this to “switch the attention from his own person”. Moreover, the Democrat believed that the decision of the Senate to send him a request to give evidence “would be extremely hypocritical”.

Now he has sharply changed his position, assuring that he will face the Senate if he is called to an impeachment hearing. It is possible that he will be asked about the activities in Ukraine, which Donald Trump tried so hard to reveal.

“You know, I’ve survived two impeachment trials. One when I was a young senator and the other when I was a middle-aged senator. These processes do not do any good, no matter what the circumstances. It’s hard on the state and there’s no reason to be happy. However, I want you to understand that Trump himself provoked it. I believe that Congress had no other choice”, –  Biden said.

As News Front reported earlier, Democrats are persistently trying to overthrow Donald Trump as president. He was initially accused of conspiring with Russia, which allegedly intervened in the 2016 presidential election. In this regard, a major investigation was initiated, called “RussiaGate”. However, no evidence of Trump’s connection with Moscow has been found.

Later, Democrats began to accuse the head of the White House of “putting pressure” on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The fact is that Trump counted on the assistance of the new Kiev authorities in revealing information that compromised his opponent Democrat in the upcoming election, Joe Biden.

The latter, being Barack Obama’s vice president, blackmailed Petro Poroshenko by securing the dismissal of the general prosecutor who was investigating financial fraud at Biden Jr.’s company. The democrats could not allow these scandalous facts to be revealed, so they decided to counter-strike the impeachment procedure.