Bolivia accused Spain of violating international standards

Bolivian Provisional Government Foreign Minister Karen Longaric, in an official note to the Government of Spain after an incident with her interim attorneys at the Mexican Embassy, protested, calling for an end to the violation of international standards.

“Let it be the last time your government allows itself to violate international standards and diplomatic politeness”, – the document says, excerpts from which the Deber publication cites.

On Friday, the Bolivian police didn’t let people in the ambassador’s residence, who accompanied the temporary attorneys in economic and consular affairs of the Spanish embassy, ​​who hid their faces and tried, according to the Foreign Ministry, to “secretly enter the embassy”.

The Minister of the Interior of the interim government of Bolivia, Arturo Murillo, said that Spanish diplomats who participated in an attempt to secretly enter the residence of the Ambassador of Mexico insulted Bolivia and must leave the country. He also accused Spanish diplomats of intending to take out the ministers of the government of ex-president Evo Morales, who had sought political asylum and were temporarily housed in the ambassador’s residence, who were charged with incitement to rebellion and terrorism.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry explained the presence of diplomats at the Mexican Embassy with a courtesy visit. According to Spanish media, the faces of the embassy bodyguards who were members of the Special Task Force of the National Police hid under the masks.
The situation around the Mexican embassy in La Paz, where nine officials from the Morales government are currently located, remains tense, despite assurances from the Bolivian authorities that respect for the integrity of Mexico’s diplomats and property.

According to the Mexican government, the demands of the current Bolivian government to extradite members of the Morales government on the territory of the embassy in La Paz, who are now accused of crimes against the state, are not valid, as charges were brought 11 days after the asylum decision.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico has repeatedly expressed deep concern about the “excessive presence” of special services in the area of ​​its embassy in Bolivia and stated that it was a violation of the Vienna Convention, obstruction was reported and attempts to search diplomatic vehicles.

Evo Morales won the presidential election with a minimum margin on October 20, but the opposition, led by Carlos Mesa, announced massive violations. At first, Morales announced new elections, but then, under pressure from the military, resigned and left Bolivia. Following him, the entire top leadership of the country resigned, power passed to the opposition vice-speaker of the Senate, Janine Agnes. Proponents of Morales dispute the transfer of authority to Agnes and demand her resignation.