In India, protests against the citizenship law are planned in more than 10 cities

In the capital, the authorities are taking enhanced security measures.

Massive protests against the Indian citizenship law should take place on Thursday in at least 11 major cities across the country. According to NDTV, the day before, the police refused to grant permission to hold actions in three cities: New Delhi, Lucknow and Bangalore.

According to this information, Mumbai, Chennai, Puna, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Bhubaneshwar, Kolkata and Bhopal were among the cities where protests are not yet banned. At the same time, in places where the organizers of the protests have not received permission to demonstrate, the protests may still take place, the TV channel notes.

Authorities in India’s capital city are taking heightened security measures. Police units are on duty at the intersections, cars are stopped for inspection and documents are checked. Schools are closed in some areas of New Delhi, and traffic is restricted in areas where performances are expected.