Attempt to cheat failed – Maya Sandu wanted to be the Prime Minister of Moldova, retaining her deputy mandate

In Chisinau, new scandalous details appeared of the short premiership of the leader of the pro-Western bloc “ACUM” Maya Sandu, who wanted to push through the parliament a resonant initiative.

As the President of Moldova Igor Dodon said, having acquired the post of Prime Minister, Maya Sandu wanted to keep the seat in the parliament, not only for himself, but also for his comrade-in-arms Andrei Nestase, then appointed Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister.

“They demanded this through their deputies, but we made it clear that this would not work. We do not intend to rewrite the legislation for someone. We told them: “No one will change the law for your sake. Whether you want it or not. If you decide to go to government, go and do government work. You won’t be able to sit on two chairs, ”said Igor Dodon.

As News Front previously reported, Sandu’s premiership led Moldova to a political crisis, when the head of government wanted to get the right to individually nominate candidates for the post of prosecutor general. Moreover, the decision was made bypassing the parliament and under the responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers. Thus, the introduction of “reform” could only be prevented by the dissolution of the executive branch, which ultimately happened.