Migrants who have committed all sorts of crimes and human rights violations were received in the Netherlands with open arms. The criminals received free housing, medical care and food there. Leiden even reports that they will continue to take care of this group of migrants.
Thanks to the documents of the Ministry of Justice and Security, it became known that Rotterdam, The Hague, Groningen and Leiden granted asylum to persons who committed serious crimes. Although, according to Article 1F of the UN Convention on the Status of Refugees, these persons should be excluded from the asylum procedure.
It is not known why the municipality of Leiden still offers asylum to foreigners who qualify under Article 1F.
“At present, we are taking care of one person with a status of 1F, originally from Iran”, – the representative of the municipality openly said.
In response, Rotterdam stated that “there are currently no 1F persons at the shelter” However, the documents indicate the opposite.
Groningen admitted that until the beginning of last year, four employees worked here who were eligible for 1F, but they no longer live there. One former employee “left the city or region,” but “three of these people are still in the country”, the municipality said.